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Nondescrimination/Anti-Harrassment Policy

Passage Theatre Company is an equal opportunity employer who does not discriminate against any individual regardless of sex, race, religion, sexual orientation, or disability. Programs and services provided by Passage Theatre Company will be made available to all individuals regardless of disability, and all efforts will be made to ensure that all individuals can experience all programs and services of the theatre with dignity and independence.


Accessible Materials Related to Passage Productions

Advance copies of scripts and programs are available upon request, with the understanding that these materials are not for sale or reproduction without explicit permission from the playwright and producer. Additionally, Passage offers all of our programs and printed materials in large print formats and in Spanish. Please ask the Box Office for accessible print materials when you arrive at the show or view the bottom of this page on our website for digital copies (one week before the performance). Shows that are sign language interpreted are marketed at least one month prior to the date of the show, and reservations for these performances can be made on our website or by calling the Box Office. Questions regarding the ADA programs and language services that Passage provides can be directed to our Box Office Manager, Ryan Hennessey at


Service Animal Policy

Service animals, as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), are welcome at Passage Theatre. The ADA defines a service animal as "a dog that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for a person with a disability." Service animals must be tethered at all times, and must rest in the seating area, not in the aisles. Because our theatre is small with general seating, we ask that you inform us prior to bringing a service animal to Passage Theatre, so that we may reserve a seat to accommodate you and your animal. Your animal must remain in your control at all times. In the case of animals that disrupt the performance, pose a safety risk to our staff and patrons, or that are not housebroken, the guest may be asked to escort the animal out of the building. “​Please note: While Emotional Support Animals or Comfort Animals are often used as part of a medical treatment plan as therapy animals, they are not considered service animals under the ADA. See here for more information on ADA-defined permitted animals. 


Visiting the Playhouse

The Mill Hill Playhouse is located at 205 E. Front St, Trenton, NJ. Please find parking along Front St. or in the Mill Hill neighborhood and make your way to the rear of the playhouse, the brick church building. There is a ramp located at the back of the building where patrons enter for performances, and there is an elevator from the lobby to the second floor theater. Patrons needing special assistance on the day of a performance can contact the Box Office or administrative offices. Those who need additional assistance arriving to the Playhouse via public transportation can click here to learn more about NJ Transit Access Link Paratransit.

Thank You To Our Sponsors

This list acknowledges donations as of January 22, 2025.  If your name has been omitted or misprinted, please accept our apologies and contact Brishen Miller at (609) 392-0766 x104.

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Passage Theatre’s programming is made possible in part by the N.J. State Council on the Arts, a partner agency of the NEA; the Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation; The City of Trenton; The India Blake Foundation; NJ Arts and Culture Recovery Fund Grant;  The Curtis McGraw Foundation; PNC Bank; PACF; Trenton Arts Endowment Fund; Mathematica Policy Research; The Bunbury Fund of Princeton Area Community Foundation; The Shubert Foundation; NJM Insurance Group; Thomas Edison State University; United Methodist Church’s of Trenton; Mary G. Roebling Foundation; Church & Dwight; I AM Trenton Foundation; Educational Testing Service; Trenton Downtown Association; Jacob Walton; Ignition Arts; Eric Schultz; 

Clarke, Caton, Hintz; PSE&G and patrons like you!

© 2024 by Passage Theatre Company.

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(609) 392-0766


Box Office Hours:

Mon, Wed, Fri



Mailing Address:

Passage Theatre Company

PO Box 967 

Trenton, NJ 08605-0967


Mill Hill Playhouse:

205 East Front Street

Trenton, NJ 08611

Passage Theatre stands firmly against racism and oppression. We stand in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement, affirming today and every day that the stories, bodies, and experiences of Black and Brown people matter in our world and in our communities. We stand with those who continue to fight racial injustice in our society, and are committed to working board a future where Black and Brown lives are valued and celebrated.

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